About ME!
Hey world! You can call me FreshPaige. I'm a lot of things, but that list includes being a mom, girl scout leader, scientist, bread baker, crafter, czechoslovakian postage stamp obsessive, Florida (wo)Man.
This website is an excuse to re-live the glory days of 1996 and my first personal web page. I was the tender age of 15, and essentially grounded for the whole summer. This was the hey-dey of Angelfire and Geocities. I decided to camp out at the family computer, learn the basics of HTML, and slowly build my own web page. It wasn't anything more or less than anyone else, but I was proud. I included stories and pictures of my friends and things we were in to. I was obsessed, and my friends got a kick out of it, also.
Eventually, my dad went through the browser history and found my page. He sat me down and gave me the full (well-deserved) lecture about personal photos and info on the web for all to see. He then added that while he felt compelled to punish me for putting it out there, he couldn't help but be impressed with what I made. He gave me some required edits to make, and then bought me some books on html design.
I've (obviously) moved on from there and never kept web design on my list of hobbies. According to my brother, I was actually pretty cool for awhile: rode my motorcyle everywhere, frequented all the local music bars, and could run a serious game of darts. Eventually I traded all that in for a couple kids, a husband, masters degree, and pickett fence. I've learned there is a lot of beauty in the things I once thought were mundane and boring.
If 22 year-old me could see me now... she would be terrified, but hopefully she'd still press on.